Monday, August 23, 2010

This Weekend's Blog Break

I took a break from blogging this weekend because 1) I didn't run because I was sick and 2) I had a lot on my mind and a lot to get done that had absolutely nothing to do with health or fitness.

I won't bore you with too many details, but I didn't sell my watch. It's a $5,000 watch. One place offered me a pitiful $650 and the other place went up to $800, with the option for consignment, which could fetch me up to $1,200. I might consider that. I didn't change my phone plan because in the end I might save just $10 a month, but I would have to renew a 2-year contract. I'm thinking about this.

But I did manage to finish the editing test for the second freelance job I have lined up. It was SO MUCH simpler than the other one. I figure with these two jobs, and if they don't totally bury me with work, I'll do OK. I'll at least have some extra money every month that won't have  go to various bills. See, closed door = opened window = new opportunities.

As for the running, I've had an annoying cold since I got back from CA, so I haven't run in 5 days. This morning I was all set to go to the gym before work, but when my alarm went off at 4:30 am, my chest and head felt achy. But I packed my workout things and will go today after work. I'll start slow and aim for 3.1 miles. If I can do more, great. But I'm not going to kill myself. By the middle of the week the weather should be perfect for running, so I'm hoping to get some outdoor runs in then. I hate treadmills. I think that's what's so unmotivating about getting back into it.



Mark on August 23, 2010 at 5:57 PM said...

Hey Deedah,

I started following your blog just after you switched the comments off. I'm glad to see that they are back on. Now I can stop by and say hello :)

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