Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Beautiful San Diego

This morning I got up early for my 4-mile run. The sun was shining, the air was fresh and cool, and my run was...hilly! Despite that, however, I managed to shave 10 seconds of my time, ending my run at 10:35 per mile.

After my run, I headed downtown to the convention center to set up my exhibit for the conference. Four hours of heavy lifting and assembling later, I went across the street to The Tin Fish, where the cashier, who looked like an even more broke-down Lindsay Lohan, was rude and needed a good lesson in getting over herself. Perhaps it was the fact that I was sporting my Milwaukee Brewers t-shirt, whereas the entire waitstaff was wearing Pardres gear? I'd like to think it was that rather than her attitude just sucking in general. Anyway, she certainly didn't take away from my fried oyster po'boy. No it's not diet food, but I only eat these in San Diego, so I think I'll survive.

Tomorrow is the first day of the conference so I can't run in the morning. My colleague and I are going to figure out our schedules, so hopefully I'll be able to run on Friday morning and squeeze in a longish run over the weekend. Although, right now my throat feels raw. I've felt on the verge of a cold since I arrived in California, but today was the worst. It's just really chilly here. Couple that with not sleeping well and that's a compromised immune system ready and willing to let the germs in. I hope I don't get sick! I've been sick while away at a conference before and it was not fun. Come to think of it, I was at a conference here in San Diego! Hmmm....

Anyway, I'm about to crash.

Till Tomorrow,


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