Monday, August 16, 2010

Home Sweet Home... where I wish I was right now. I'm back in Anaheim. I'm tired and CAN'T WAIT until I'm in my own bed again. Sigh.

This morning began with my friend texting me to tell me that she's in labor. I haven't heard anything else from her so I hope everything went well and that she's doing fine with her new baby. I can't even imagine the joy they must be feeling right now. I really can't.

Anyway, I ran my last run in San Diego this morning---4 miles. Now I'm back at my brother's apartment and there's too many people in too small a space. I'm hoping to for a long run tomorrow morning.

Well, I'm gonna sign out for the night. I'm feeling very moody and cranky. Part of me really wants to go home, but part of me dreads the very idea of it because of all the s*** I left behind.

I wish I was in Florida right now. Some joy of my own wouldn't be too bad either.

Sorry for the cranky post.



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