Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Run Win!

Today was a good day.

I got a lot of work done at the office and on my freelance stuff, I averted disaster by successfully correcting a huge knitting mistake that could have ruined hours of work, AND...


I'm so happy that I'm back to running. It felt great, aside from some sniffles. My chest was clear and my heart rate was on target.

It helped that the weather was absolutely perfect, sunny with low humidity. It's supposed to be like this the rest of the week and through the weekend, so I'm already dreaming of potential routes to run that might be interesting. I'm not going to run tomorrow because I don't want to go overboard and relapse. But I will walk and stay active. Friday I plan to run 4 miles or so. Then on Saturday, I want to run somewhere completely different and more interesting! I might run to the mall and back, which would be about 7 miles, or I might run through town up to the mall and stop and have a coffee while I'm there. That sounds like it might be fun! And it would give me something to run to for a change.

No, it's not like running through the palm trees and ponds in Orlando (sigh) or like running through Downtown Disney in California or like running up and down the steep hills of Mission Valley, San Diego. But you make due with what you've got!

I'm back! WOO HOO!!



Mark on August 25, 2010 at 7:07 PM said...

Congrats on your five miler! That's an impressive run and your still not back to 100% health. Smart move not to overdo it tomorrow too :)

Tina on August 26, 2010 at 2:54 PM said...

wow that's a great run! I can't wait to be able to do that. Glad you're feeling better!

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