Friday, July 23, 2010

Might As Well Be Running on the Sun!

Today, I had it in my head to do my long run: 5 miles. I got home from work, took out the pugs (my parents are out of town so I'm dog sitting), had something to eat, and then found my dad's Magic Mic karaoke system! I couldn't help but belt out a few tunes since no one was home! Then, after it cooled down a little outside (not really, it was still 97 degrees at 7 pm), I set out for my run. I was already feeling very tired today (all week actually), and the humidity was oppressive to say the least!

Well, I ran 2 miles, felt like I was going to vomit on the sidewalk, saw my vision getting shaky, and decided to call it a night! Yes, I gave up in the middle of a run. However, I was only scheduled to do the 2 miles or some other type of cross training anyway, so I didn't really flake out on my training program. See how I got myself out of that one? Haha! But really, I just wanted to get the long run out of the way for the weekend. I guess it's on for tomorrow morning then. I will definitely be going to the gym instead of running outside. The overnight lows are supposed to stay in the 80s with high humidity so there won't be any relief from the heat tomorrow morning.

As for my eating, I ate well today, except for the Snickers bar I had in the afternoon. It's Friday, gimme a break! Before that I had already eaten about 850 calories for the day. The Snickers bar was 280 calories. For dinner, I had shirataki noodle spaghetti, which I would say was about 400 calories. Then I ran 2 miles and walked a mile burning a total of 475 calories. That's 1,055 calories net.

Well, I'm off to bed so that I can be well rested for the 5-miler tomorrow morning!



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