Monday, July 5, 2010

Fun on the Fourth!

Summer is my favorite season. Living in the mid-Atlantic, I experience all four seasons. In the fall, the hills are ablaze with crimson and gold. Some days may still be warm, but in the breeze we catch a reminder of the cold to come. We've got cold winters, even getting 5 feet of snow this past February. Around here in the winter, the trees are bare, their gnarled, outstretched branches naked against the muted sunlight. The air bites you on the cheek and numbs your ears. Then springtime comes along, and life's green buds begin to appear against the gray. Some days are still chilly, but in the breeze is just the faintest scent of cherry blossom and young grass. Birds come back and flutter about carrying twigs and other debris for their nests. Then there's the summer. Summer is hot, hazy, and humid, with long stretches of 90+ degree days. I love it!

This past weekend was the final weekend before I start working on one of my first goals (post to come!), and it's also the quintessential "last supper" many of us have before embarking on our latest healthy pursuits. It was the July 4th long weekend. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't exercise and I ate some amazing summertime foods to celebrate. I don't have pics of the food, but just imagine BBQ, charcoal-grilled burgers (yes, plural), pizza, and, yes, even a cupcake. In future posts, you'll be seeing some of what goes in my mouth, both to showcase beautiful foods and to keep me accountable with regard to my portions and tendency to overindulge.

Summertime evokes memories of beaches, boardwalks, funnel cake(!), Old Bay-seasoned blue crabs piled high on brown paper table clothes, and, of course baseball. This weekend, I went to my first Nationals game at Nationals Park in DC. I'd been to games before (in Tampa and Milwaukee), but I'd never been to a Nationals home game. We had great seats!

 My boyfriend of 5 wonderful years was in town, and it was great to be able to spend time together. I miss him so much when we're apart (that's a post for another time). We see each other more or less every couple of months since he's had to move back to Wisconsin back in 2006. Even after all these years, I still cry at the airport when he leaves. But I wouldn't trade him for anyone else, local or otherwise. He's my best friend, and every tear I shed missing him is well worth it.

These pics can count for my "before" pictures:

Hopefully, my "after" pics will look something like this!:

This is Jessica Biel. I'm not really a fan, but I do admire her fit figure. She looks strong not skinny. Look at those shoulders! I know that I may not have the build (or the money and time) to ever look like Jessica Biel, but I want to get as close as my body will let me. And there's no losing in trying!

Till Tomorrow!



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