Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Post-Race Blues

I never thought I'd say that feel surprisingly sad that I'm done training for the Princess Half-Marathon. It got to the point where I was REALLY hating training. I dreaded running on that stupid treadmill and forsaking all other exercise in favor or running (leading to a 10-lb weight gain, if you can believe it).

I couldn't wait for the race to be over.

And then, all of a sudden, it was. Over.

I finished at a decent 2:43 (on 2 hours of sleep!). I didn't walk at all except for when I walked by the hydration stations because I couldn't figure out how to run and drink at the same time without it splashing all over my face and shirt! And I stopped briefly when I texted my family at mile 11 to let them know to head over to the finish line. Sure, it could have been better had I not stopped for the porto-potty, or texted, or if I could guzzle down the Powerade without slowing my pace significantly. But I guess that's something to work on for next time. Listen to me talking about "next time" when I swore to myself and everyone around me that I would retire from running after this half-marathon! But there's something addicting about the rush of crossing the start line and then, eventually, the finish line.

After the race I was feeling pretty exhausted from lack of sleep and the strain of running 13.1 miles. I don't think I've ever been that wiped out! I'm actually embarrassed of my picture from the race. I look frightening! With dark circles under my eyes, my t-shirt (which was too loose for a running race) all bunched up. I don't even want to order the professional pics!

Things I learned from this race:

1. Wear a tighter shirt. It twists as you run and I found myself tugging at it a lot.
2. Learn to run and drink from a paper cup.
3. Pee twice before the race
4. Wear at least SOME makeup (especially for the Princess Half) because there will be photographers and you don't want to look like you're about to drop dead.


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