Friday, April 1, 2011

Red Wine Apparently Has Calories

I should have known this would be my downfall this week.

I worked out 4 times so far (my goal is 5 times per week to be completed between Monday and Sunday) and hope to get one more workout in for the week once I get to California.

I ate nice healthy foods (about 90% of the time) and have felt less bloated and chubby. I can tell that my clothes are starting to fit better again too and the muscle definition is already coming back (albeit slightly).

I've also been drinking. Nightly. No, not passed out drunk or even moderately so. I've been having a glass (or 2) of Cabernet every night with a small piece of dark chocolate to cut the bitterness. Oh how wonderful does that feel at the end of a long day! And although that is actually a pretty healthy practice (based on some health reports, etc.) I think it ruined my weightloss for the week because when I weighed myself this morning expecting a loss, I found that I actually gained a pound. Yuck. After all that working out and eating well, I gained a pound. I know that it's not unheard of to gain after getting back into using weights and strength training, and I do "feel" thinner, which I might very well be. I do believe that I went over my allotted calories because of the wine. Wine isn't the same as Diet Coke! There are about 120 calories per glass! I can't drink a couple of glasses and not think it'll count against me. DUH!!!

So, what I need to do is either cut out the wine or reduce my calories to fit it in. AND maybe limit myself to strictly 1 glass rather than the 2 or 2 and a half I've been having this week.


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