Sunday, October 17, 2010

10 Miles for New Boots

I've been taking advantage to the cool (not cold) fall weather these past few weekends by leaving my car at my parents' house at night and getting dropped off at my condo so that I can run to my car in the mornings.

This Saturday morning was crisp, sunny, and just plain perfect weather for running. I started out with the goal of 8 miles (1 more mile over last week's log run). I set out at 7:30 am feeling great. The cool morning was invigorating. The leaves are starting to turn, and the splashes of reds and golds shimmered in the morning sun. I also have to admit to a little carb loading the night before (spaghetti AND a slice of pizza at midnight) because I really wanted to have a nice long run without petering out. I don't like to eat before my morning runs so I wanted the carbs to carry me through.

I guess it worked because I ended up running a great 10 miler. I shaved a full 5 minutes from my last 10 miler a couple of months ago. My heart rate wasn't too elevated despite the fact that I was keeping a steady 10:30ish pace the entire time, which is pretty good for me (I'm not fast by any means). I really could have run forever. The morning was so beautiful, so refreshing, that I didn't want to stop after I hit 8 miles. I was on the WO&D trail by then and the two-lane trail seemed like an endless stretch before me, calling for me to run and run and run. As the song says "all my troubles seemed so far away..." I have never not wanted a run to end, but yesterday morning I really truly didn't. The run was cathartic. I was flying, my heart was beating, and I felt, well, alive. It was very precious "me time" when I wasn't thinking of freelancing or taxes or bills. I was alone in my mind despite the other runners and bicyclists. I was at peace with myself. And all day I felt happy. Really, the only reason I stopped was because I was going to the outlet mall Potomac Mills with my parents and I still had to get to my car and drive back to my condo to get showered and dressed. 

At the mall, I saw a great pair of brown leather boots that would look great with skinny jeans and a big sweater. So I treated myself.

They look something like this:

This morning, my car was, again, at my parents' house, but I didn't want to run because I didn't think it would be smart to overdo it. So I walked a brisk 4.5 miles (just straight there and no detours through town), with old (I mean really old as in Eddy Arnold, Johnny Cash, Loretta Lynn, etc.) country music on my iPod and enjoyed another gorgeous fall morning.



Mark on October 17, 2010 at 11:41 AM said...

Why not start from your condo, run half the distance you plan on doing, then turn back? Am I missing something? Just sounds like a strange system to be getting lifts and running to your car, only to drive home. Maybe I'm confused :p

I'm not a massive country music fan, but I'll stretch to the occasional Taylor Swift track :)

Giulia Jones on October 17, 2010 at 5:45 PM said...

I love going out on runs and everything just goes perfectly. Even though I haven't done super long distances as of yet, if I have a good short run that leaves me feeling like I'm flying by each traffic light or driveway in a residential area, it makes me happy. Hooray for awesome runs!! Good job!

Helen on October 18, 2010 at 5:54 AM said...

There's nothing better than having perfect conditions and then being able to get lost in the run. You've just gotta love a long run like that!

Deedah on October 18, 2010 at 6:34 AM said...

I like to leave my car at my parents' house because I really like to avoid running in circles when possible. I do so much of that on the darn treadmill (and metaphorically in real life). I like the idea of going from point A to point B, of progressing rather than ending up back at the beginning. My parents only live 4 miles away and I'm always over there anyway so it's no problem for them to drop me off.

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